You can use your Mastercard , Visa and all major credit and prepaid cards. At the same time as sending the order, the reference banking institution will pre-authorize only the block of the amount relating to the purchase made. The amount relating to the products purchased will be charged to the credit card when the shipment of the products subject to the order is confirmed.

During the credit card payment process you will be automatically redirected to your bank's website, whether you are purchasing as a registered user or as a guest. To complete your order, please follow the steps indicated by your bank.

Upon completion of your order, you may be asked to provide 3DS authentication. Authentication ensures secure processing of credit card transactions over the Internet through encryption procedures.


  • If you return one or more items from your order, the corresponding amount will be credited to the card or bank account associated with it.


  • Your card details are processed through the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security system . Thanks to the SSL protocol, sensitive information such as your password and credit card number are encrypted and protected from any type of attack.
  • Due to the protocol, during the phases in which sensitive data is transmitted, the login or the payment, a padlock or a similar symbol will appear in a point of the browser, which indicates that the data is transmitted via a secure protocol. If you do not find the symbol, check the documentation of your browser.
  • When completing the order, the 3DS authentication procedure will be used and you will be redirected to the web page of your bank. To complete the order, follow the required steps.
  • At checkout you may be directed to your bank's page for payment processing or stay directly on the cart page.
  • For customers already enabled for Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code: On your bank's web page you will be asked to confirm the amount with a personal Pin.
  • After the bank has verified the Pin entered, you will receive confirmation of payment for the order placed on
  • All these operations will be transparent during the purchase and guaranteed by the international circuit Braintreepayments . For more information you can consult the website of the international credit card manager Braintreepayments.
Order Cancellation
  • In case of cancellation of the order by you or in case of non-acceptance of the same by us, we will immediately request the cancellation of the transaction and the release of the amount committed. The release times, for some types of cards, depend exclusively on the system. If the cancellation of the transaction is requested, in no case can be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by a delay in the failure to release the amount committed by the banking system.