The Public Administration subject to the electronic invoicing obligation must communicate to before the purchase the unique code composed of letters and numbers called the office code for electronic invoicing .

This code must be reported in the electronic invoice together with VAT number , address, document date and all other data relevant for tax purposes. Once filled out, the invoice must be digitally signed by the issuing entity. This guarantees the PA on the origin of the electronic invoice issue.

Once signed, the invoice passes through the Interchange System, which by law is the mandatory point of passage for all invoices issued to the PA. The Interchange System has the role of a hub between the interested parties and has the task of verifying that the format of the document received is correct and that the data entered is complete.

Thanks to the indication of the unique code reported on the electronic invoice, the Exchange System sends it to the recipient Public Administration which, only after the necessary checks, can then proceed to the payment of its supplier.